#ifndef GLOBALS_H_
#define GLOBALS_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "error_utils.h"

#define error_queue_length 512
#define max_input_word_length 512
#define max_commands_in_input 12
#define max_output_length 512
#define max_channels 2

typedef struct {
	float frequency;
	// this will be enlarged later
} ChannelStruct;

typedef struct {
	char* aux_error_message;
	int channels;
	char enable_avrq_extra_ampls;
	char ChanKey_frequency;
} FlashStruct;

typedef struct {
	ChannelStruct ChannelState[max_channels];
	FlashStruct Flash;
	int error_queue[error_queue_length+1];
	int number_of_errors;	/* how many errors are in the error queue */
} GlobalStruct;

extern GlobalStruct globals;
