#include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <glib/gprintf.h> #include "globals.h" #include "string_utils.h" void Float_To_Text(int decimal_digits,float number_in, gchar ** text_out) { g_assert (*text_out == NULL); if (fabs(number_in)<1.1*smallest_allowed_number) { if (number_in<0.0) { *text_out = g_strdup_printf("-0.%0*d",decimal_digits,0); } else { *text_out = g_strdup_printf("0.%0*d",decimal_digits,0); } return; } *text_out = g_strdup_printf("%.*e", decimal_digits, number_in); } gboolean String_is_it_numeric(char *parameter) { GRegex *numeric_regex = g_regex_new ( "\\s*[+-]?(\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+(\\.\\d*)?)\\s*(e\\s*[+-]?\\d+)?\\s*", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, NULL); gboolean match = g_regex_match (numeric_regex, parameter, 0, NULL); g_regex_unref (numeric_regex); return match; } void String_Parameter_To_Text(float Float_To_Convert, int significant_digits, char *start_string,char *units,gchar **LCD_string,int show_plus_sign, int width_of_column) { gchar *floating_val = NULL; gchar *unit_mult = NULL; /* units multiplier, eg. M, k, u */ /* Copy the floating point value to a string. Do not multiply to accomodate units; the roundoff */ /* is annoying. (e.g. 1.000 -> 0.999) */ /* Move the decimal with string manipulations instead. */ GString *out_gstr = g_string_new (start_string); /* if significant_digits is zero, used the supplied integer rather than the floating number */ if (!significant_digits) { g_string_append_printf (out_gstr, "%d", (int) Float_To_Convert); } else { int i; int shift_decimal_by; /* if the exponent isn't a multiple of 3, the decimal point will be moved */ int decimal_location; /* where the decimal is in the number string */ int exponent_val; /* the exponent, in integer form */ Float_To_Text(remote_digits_after_decimal,Float_To_Convert,&floating_val); /* -- COPY FIRST ONE OR TWO CHARACTERS -- */ if (floating_val[0]=='-') { /* if it's negative ... */ decimal_location=2; /* decimal at position two (e.g.: -2.23e-9) */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, '-'); /* copy minus sign */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, floating_val[1]); /* copy first digit */ } else if (show_plus_sign==YES) { /* if it's positive and plus sign required ... */ decimal_location=1; /* decimal at position one (e.g.: 2.23e-9) */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, '+'); /* copy minus sign */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, floating_val[0]); /* copy first digit */ } else { /* if it's positive and plus sign not required ... */ decimal_location=1; /* decimal at position one (e.g.: 2.23e-9) */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, floating_val[0]); /* copy first digit */ } int digits_so_far = 1; /* -- FIND EXPONENT -- */ /* find how much the decimal has to be moved, by examining the exponent in the string and */ /* modding it by 3 */ exponent_val = atoi(floating_val+strlen(floating_val)-3); /* read the last three characters */ /* e.g. +09, or -07 */ shift_decimal_by=(300+exponent_val) % 3; /* added 300 to keep everything positive */ /* -- PICK UNITS -- */ if (exponent_val<12 && exponent_val>=9) { unit_mult = g_strdup("G"); } else if (exponent_val<9 && exponent_val>=6) { unit_mult = g_strdup("M"); } else if (exponent_val<6 && exponent_val>=3) { unit_mult = g_strdup("k"); } else if (exponent_val<3 && exponent_val>=0) { unit_mult = g_strdup(""); } else if (exponent_val<0 && exponent_val>=-3) { unit_mult = g_strdup("m"); } else if (exponent_val<-3 && exponent_val>=-6) { unit_mult = g_strdup("u"); } else if (exponent_val<-6 && exponent_val>=-9) { unit_mult = g_strdup("n"); } else if (exponent_val<-9 && exponent_val>=-12) { unit_mult = g_strdup("p"); } else { unit_mult = g_strdup(""); /* if parameter=0, don't use silly units */ } /* -- MOVE DIGITS AROUND DECIMAL POINT -- */ /* move the digits that will come before the decimal */ for (i=decimal_location; i<decimal_location+shift_decimal_by; ++i) { out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, floating_val[1+i]); ++digits_so_far; } /* put in the new decimal point */ out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, '.'); int space_left = width_of_column - strlen(out_gstr->str) - strlen (unit_mult) - strlen (units); /* copy the rest of the digits */ for (i=shift_decimal_by+1+decimal_location; (digits_so_far<significant_digits) && (space_left>0); ++i) { out_gstr = g_string_append_c (out_gstr, floating_val[i]); ++digits_so_far; space_left = width_of_column - strlen(out_gstr->str) - strlen (unit_mult) - strlen (units); /* leave space for minus sign, decimal point, and extra digit on the end too */ } /* -- FINISH UP -- */ /* -- CHECK FOR TERMINATING DECIMAL POINT -- */ int len = strlen(out_gstr->str); if (out_gstr->str[len-1]=='.') { out_gstr = g_string_erase (out_gstr, len-1, 1); } out_gstr = g_string_append (out_gstr, unit_mult); } out_gstr = g_string_append (out_gstr, units); *LCD_string = g_strdup (out_gstr->str); g_string_free (out_gstr, TRUE); g_free (floating_val); g_free (unit_mult); } gchar* conditional_regex_replace (gboolean do_it, gchar* in_string, gchar* regex_string, gchar* replace_with) { gchar *out; if (do_it) { GRegex *regex = g_regex_new (regex_string, 0, 0, NULL); out = g_regex_replace_literal (regex, in_string, -1, 0, replace_with, 0, NULL); g_regex_unref (regex); } else { out = g_strdup (in_string); } return out; }