path: root/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/src/v86bios/parser.y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/src/v86bios/parser.y')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/src/v86bios/parser.y b/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/src/v86bios/parser.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 21c4023dcd..0000000000
--- a/board/MAI/bios_emulator/scitech/src/v86bios/parser.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "v86bios.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#define YYSTYPE unsigned long
-#define MAX_VAR 0x20
- CARD32 var[MAX_VAR];
- CARD32 var_mem;
-i86biosRegs regs = { 00 };
-enum mem_type { BYTE, WORD, LONG, STRING };
-union mem_val {
- CARD32 integer;
- char *ptr;
-} rec;
-struct mem {
- enum mem_type type;
- union mem_val val;
- struct mem *next;
-struct device Device = {FALSE,NONE,{0}};
-extern void yyerror(char *s);
-extern int yylex( void );
-static void boot(void);
-static void dump_mem(CARD32 addr, int len);
-static void exec_int(int num);
-static void *add_to_list(enum mem_type type, union mem_val *rec, void *next);
-static void do_list(struct mem *list, memType addr);
-static char * normalize_string(char *ptr);
-%token TOK_NUM
-%token TOK_REG_AX
-%token TOK_REG_BX
-%token TOK_REG_CX
-%token TOK_REG_DX
-%token TOK_REG_DI
-%token TOK_REG_SI
-%token TOK_SEG_DS
-%token TOK_SEG_ES
-%token TOK_SEP
-%token TOK_VAR
-%token TOK_VAR_MEM
-%token TOK_SELECT
-%token TOK_STRING
-%token TOK_ERROR
-%token TOK_END
-%token TOK_ISA
-%token TOK_PCI
-%token TOK_BYTE
-%token TOK_WORD
-%token TOK_LONG
-%token TOK_IOSTAT
-%token TOK_PPCI
-%token TOK_PIP
-%token TOK_TRACE
-%token TOK_ON
-%token TOK_OFF
-%token TOK_LOG
-%token TOK_LOGOFF
-%token TOK_CLSTAT
-%token TOK_STDOUT
-%token TOK_HLT
-%token TOK_DEL
-%token TOK_IOPERM
-%token TOK_DUMP_PCI
-input: | input line
-line: end | com_reg | com_var | com_select
- | com_boot | com_memset | com_memdump | com_quit
- | com_exec | hlp | config | verbose | logging | print | clstat
- | com_hlt | ioperm | list_pci | boot_bios
- | error end { printf("unknown command\n"); }
-end: TOK_END
-com_reg: reg_off val end { *(CARD16*)$1 = $2 & 0xffff; }
- | reg_seg TOK_SEP reg_off val end {
- *(CARD16*)$1 = ($4 & 0xf0000) >> 4;
- *(CARD16*)$3 = ($4 & 0x0ffff);
- }
- | reg_off '?' end { printf("0x%x\n",*(CARD16*)$1);}
- | reg_seg TOK_SEP reg_off '?' end
- { printf("0x%x:0x%x\n",*(CARD16*)$1,
- *(CARD16*)$3); }
-register_read: reg_seg TOK_SEP reg_off { $$ = (((*(CARD16*)$1) << 4)
- | ((*(CARD16*)$3) & 0xffff));
- }
- | reg_off { $$ = ((*(CARD16*)$1) & 0xffff); }
-reg_off: TOK_REG_AX { $$ = (unsigned long)&(; }
- | TOK_REG_BX { $$ = (unsigned long)&(regs.bx); }
- | TOK_REG_CX { $$ = (unsigned long)&(; }
- | TOK_REG_DX { $$ = (unsigned long)&(regs.dx); }
- | TOK_REG_DI { $$ = (unsigned long)&(regs.di); }
- | TOK_REG_SI { $$ = (unsigned long)&(; }
-reg_seg: TOK_SEG_DS { $$ = (unsigned long)&(regs.ds); }
- | TOK_SEG_ES { $$ = (unsigned long)&(; }
-com_var: TOK_VAR_MEM '?' end { printf("var mem: 0x%x\n",var_mem); }
- | TOK_VAR '?' end { if ($1 < MAX_VAR)
- printf("var[%i]: 0x%x\n",(int)$1,var[$1]);
- else
- printf("var index %i out of range\n",(int)$1); }
- | TOK_VAR_MEM val end { var_mem = $2; }
- | TOK_VAR val end { if ($1 <= MAX_VAR)
- var[$1] = $2;
- else
- printf("var index %i out of range\n",(int)$1); }
- | TOK_VAR error end { printf("$i val\n"); }
- | TOK_VAR_MEM error end { printf("$i val\n"); }
-com_boot: TOK_COMMAND_BOOT end { boot(); }
- TOK_COMMAND_BOOT error end { boot(); }
-com_select: TOK_SELECT TOK_ISA end { Device.booted = FALSE;
- Device.type = ISA;
- CurrentPci = NULL; }
- | TOK_SELECT TOK_PCI val TOK_SEP val TOK_SEP val end
- { Device.booted = FALSE;
- Device.type = PCI;
- Device.loc.pci.bus = $3;
- = $5;
- Device.loc.pci.func = $7; }
- | TOK_SELECT '?' end
- { switch (Device.type) {
- case ISA:
- printf("isa\n");
- break;
- case PCI:
- printf("pci: %x:%x:%x\n",Device.loc.pci.bus,
- Device.loc.pci.func);
- break;
- default:
- printf("no device selected\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- | TOK_SELECT error end { printf("select ? | isa "
- "| pci:bus:dev:func\n"); }
-com_quit: TOK_COMMAND_QUIT end { return 0; }
- | TOK_COMMAND_QUIT error end { logoff(); return 0; }
-com_exec: TOK_COMMAND_EXEC end { exec_int(0x10); }
- | TOK_COMMAND_EXEC val end { exec_int($2); }
- | TOK_COMMAND_EXEC error end { exec_int(0x10); }
-com_memdump: TOK_COMMAND_MEMDUMP val val end { dump_mem($2,$3); }
- | TOK_COMMAND_MEMDUMP error end { printf("memdump start len\n"); }
-com_memset: TOK_COMMAND_MEMSET val list end { do_list((struct mem*)$3,$2);}
- | TOK_COMMAND_MEMSET error end { printf("setmem addr [byte val] "
- "[word val] [long val] "
- "[\"string\"]\n"); }
-list: { $$ = 0; }
- | TOK_BYTE val list { rec.integer = $2;
- $$ = (unsigned long)add_to_list(BYTE,&rec,(void*)$3); }
- | TOK_WORD val list { rec.integer = $2;
- $$ = (unsigned long) add_to_list(WORD,&rec,(void*)$3); }
- | TOK_LONG val list { rec.integer = $2;
- $$ = (unsigned long) add_to_list(LONG,&rec,(void*)$3); }
- | TOK_STRING list { rec.ptr = (void*)$1;
- $$ = (unsigned long) add_to_list(STRING,&rec,(void*)$2); }
-val: TOK_VAR { if ($1 > MAX_VAR) {
- printf("variable index out of range\n");
- $$=0;
- } else
- $$ = var[$1]; }
- | TOK_NUM { $$ = $1; }
- | register_read
-bool: TOK_ON { $$ = 1; }
- | TOK_OFF { $$ = 0; }
-config: TOK_PRINT_PORT bool end { Config.PrintPort = $2; }
- | TOK_PRINT_PORT '?' end { printf("print port %s\n",
- Config.PrintPort?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_PRINT_PORT error end { printf("pport on | off | ?\n") }
- | TOK_PRINT_IRQ bool end { Config.PrintIrq = $2; }
- | TOK_PRINT_IRQ '?' end { printf("print irq %s\n",
- Config.PrintIrq?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_PRINT_IRQ error end { printf("pirq on | off | ?\n") }
- | TOK_PPCI bool end { Config.PrintPci = $2; }
- | TOK_PPCI '?' end { printf("print PCI %s\n",
- Config.PrintPci?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_PPCI error end { printf("ppci on | off | ?\n") }
- | TOK_PIP bool end { Config.PrintIp = $2; }
- | TOK_PIP '?' end { printf("printip %s\n",
- Config.PrintIp?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_PIP error end { printf("pip on | off | ?\n") }
- | TOK_IOSTAT bool end { Config.IoStatistics = $2; }
- | TOK_IOSTAT '?' end { printf("io statistics %s\n",
- Config.IoStatistics?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_IOSTAT error end { printf("iostat on | off | ?\n") }
- | TOK_TRACE bool end { Config.Trace = $2; }
- | TOK_TRACE '?' end { printf("trace %s\n",
- Config.Trace ?"on":"off"); }
- | TOK_TRACE error end { printf("trace on | off | ?\n") }
-verbose: TOK_VERBOSE val end { Config.Verbose = $2; }
- | TOK_VERBOSE '?' end { printf("verbose: %i\n",
- Config.Verbose); }
- | TOK_VERBOSE error end { printf("verbose val | ?\n"); }
-logging: TOK_LOG TOK_STRING end { logon(normalize_string((char*)$2)); }
- | TOK_LOG '?' end { if (logging) printf("logfile: %s\n",
- logfile);
- else printf("no logging\n?"); }
- | TOK_LOG TOK_OFF end { logoff(); }
- | TOK_LOG error end { printf("log \"<filename>\" | ? |"
- " off\n"); }
-clstat: TOK_CLSTAT end { clear_stat(); }
- | TOK_CLSTAT error end { printf("clstat\n"); }
-print: TOK_STDOUT bool end { nostdout = !$2; }
- | TOK_STDOUT '?' end { printf("print %s\n",nostdout ?
- "no":"yes"); }
- | TOK_STDOUT error end { printf("print on | off\n"); }
-com_hlt: TOK_HLT val end { add_hlt($2); }
- | TOK_HLT TOK_DEL val end { del_hlt($3); }
- | TOK_HLT TOK_DEL end { del_hlt(21); }
- | TOK_HLT '?' end { list_hlt(); }
- | TOK_HLT error end { printf(
- "hlt val | del [val] | ?\n"); }
-ioperm: TOK_IOPERM val val val end { int i,max;
- if ($2 >= 0) {
- max = $2 + $3 - 1;
- if (max > IOPERM_BITS)
- max = IOPERM_BITS;
- for (i = $2;i <= max; i++)
- ioperm_list[i]
- = $4>0 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- | TOK_IOPERM '?' end { int i,start;
- for (i=0; i <= IOPERM_BITS; i++) {
- if (ioperm_list[i]) {
- start = i;
- for (; i <= IOPERM_BITS; i++)
- if (!ioperm_list[i]) {
- printf("ioperm on in "
- "0x%x+0x%x\n", start,i-start);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- | TOK_IOPERM error end { printf("ioperm start len val\n"); }
-list_pci: TOK_DUMP_PCI end { list_pci(); }
- | TOK_DUMP_PCI error end { list_pci(); }
-boot_bios: TOK_BOOT_BIOS '?' end { if (!BootBios) printf("No Boot BIOS\n");
- else printf("BootBIOS from: %i:%i:%i\n",
- BootBios->bus, BootBios->dev,
- BootBios->func); }
- | TOK_BOOT_BIOS error end { printf ("bootbios bus:dev:num\n"); }
-hlp: '?' { printf("Command list:\n");
- printf(" select isa | pci bus:dev:func\n");
- printf(" boot\n");
- printf(" seg:reg val | reg val \n");
- printf(" $x val | $mem val\n");
- printf(" setmem addr list; addr := val\n");
- printf(" dumpmem addr len; addr,len := val\n");
- printf(" do [val]\n");
- printf(" quit\n");
- printf(" ?\n");
- printf(" seg := ds | es;"
- " reg := ax | bx | cx | dx | si \n");
- printf(" val := var | <hex-number> | seg:reg | seg\n");
- printf(" var := $x | $mem; x := 0..20\n");
- printf(" list := byte val | word val | long val "
- "| \"string\"\n");
- printf(" pport on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" ppci on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" pirq on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" pip on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" trace on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" iostat on | off | ?\n");
- printf(" verbose val\n");
- printf(" log \"<filename>\" | off | ?\n");
- printf(" print on | off\n");
- printf(" hlt val | del [val] | ?\n");
- printf(" clstat\n");
- printf(" lpci\n");
- printf ("bootbios ?\n");
-static void
-dump_mem(CARD32 addr, int len)
- dprint(addr,len);
-static void
-exec_int(int num)
- if (num == 0x10) { /* video interrupt */
- if (Device.type == NONE) {
- CurrentPci = PciList;
- while (CurrentPci) {
- if (CurrentPci->active)
- break;
- CurrentPci = CurrentPci->next;
- }
- if (!CurrentPci)
- Device.type = ISA;
- else {
- Device.type = PCI;
- = CurrentPci->dev;
- Device.loc.pci.bus = CurrentPci->bus;
- Device.loc.pci.func = CurrentPci->func;
- }
- }
- if (Device.type != ISA) {
- if (!Device.booted) {
- if (!CurrentPci || (Device.type == PCI
- && (!CurrentPci->active
- && ( != CurrentPci->dev
- || Device.loc.pci.bus != CurrentPci->bus
- || Device.loc.pci.func != CurrentPci->func)))) {
- printf("boot the device fist\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- } else
- CurrentPci = NULL;
- } else {
- Device.booted = FALSE; /* we need this for sanity! */
- }
- runINT(num,&regs);
-static void
- if (Device.type == NONE) {
- printf("select a device fist\n");
- return;
- }
- call_boot(&Device);
-static void *
-add_to_list(enum mem_type type, union mem_val *rec, void *next)
- struct mem *mem_rec = (struct mem *) malloc(sizeof(mem_rec));
- mem_rec->type = type;
- mem_rec->next = next;
- switch (type) {
- case BYTE:
- case WORD:
- case LONG:
- mem_rec->val.integer = rec->integer;
- break;
- case STRING:
- mem_rec->val.ptr = normalize_string(rec->ptr);
- break;
- }
- return mem_rec;
-static int
-validRange(int addr,int len)
- int end = addr + len;
- if (addr < 0x1000 || end > 0xc0000)
- return 0;
- return 1;
-static void
-do_list(struct mem *list, memType addr)
- struct mem *prev;
- int len;
- while (list) {
- switch (list->type) {
- case BYTE:
- if (!validRange(addr,1)) goto error;
- *(CARD8*)addr = list->val.integer;
- addr =+ 1;
- break;
- case WORD:
- if (!validRange(addr,2)) goto error;
- *(CARD16*)addr = list->val.integer;
- addr =+ 2;
- break;
- case LONG:
- if (!validRange(addr,4)) goto error;
- *(CARD32*)addr = list->val.integer;
- addr =+ 4;
- break;
- case STRING:
- len = strlen((char*)list->val.ptr);
- if (!validRange(addr,len)) goto error;
- memcpy((CARD8*)addr,(void*)list->val.ptr,len);
- addr =+ len;
- free(list->val.ptr);
- break;
- }
- prev = list;
- list = list->next;
- free(prev);
- continue;
- error:
- printf("address out of range\n");
- while (list) {
- prev = list;
- list = list->next;
- free(prev);
- }
- break;
- }
-static char *
-normalize_string(char *ptr)
- int i = 0, j = 0, c = 0, esc= 0;
- int size;
- char *mem_ptr;
- size = strlen(ptr);
- mem_ptr = malloc(size);
- while (1) {
- switch (*(ptr + i)) {
- case '\\':
- if (esc) {
- *(mem_ptr + j++) = *(ptr + i);
- esc = 0;
- } else
- esc = 1;
- break;
- case '\"':
- if (esc) {
- *(mem_ptr + j++) = *(ptr + i);
- esc = 0;
- } else
- c++;
- break;
- default:
- *(mem_ptr + j++) = *(ptr + i);
- break;
- }
- if (c > 1) {
- *(mem_ptr + j) = '\0';
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- return mem_ptr;