Enable "cache" command on tx25 and magnesium board and test performance.
Test 1: Loading 127 MB of data from NAND flash into RAM:
Instr. Cache off on on
Data Cache off off on
magnesium 32,6s 22,5s 30s = x 1,09
tx25 (29MB only) 9,69s 5,05s 8,16s = x 1,19
Test 2: uncompressing a gzipped image from RAM to RAM
(size compressed: 6.5 MiB, uncompressed: 35 MiB):
Instr. Cache off on on
Data Cache off off on
magnesium 4,25s 2,08s 1,72s = x 2,47
tx25 4,82s 2,04s 1,84s = x 2,62
Portions of this work were supported by funding from
the CE Linux Forum.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
Signed-off-by: Heiko Schocher <hs@denx.de>
Cc: Alessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>