 * Copyright (C) 2013 - ARM Ltd
 * Author: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
 * Based on code by Carl van Schaik <carl@ok-labs.com>.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <config.h>

#include <asm/arch-armv7/generictimer.h>
#include <asm/gic.h>
#include <asm/macro.h>
#include <asm/psci.h>
#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>

 * Memory layout:
 * SECURE_RAM to text_end :
 *	._secure_text section
 * text_end to ALIGN_PAGE(text_end):
 *	nothing
 * ALIGN_PAGE(text_end) to ALIGN_PAGE(text_end) + 0x1000)
 *	1kB of stack per CPU (4 CPUs max).

	.pushsection ._secure.text, "ax"

	.arch_extension sec

#define	ONE_MS			(CONFIG_TIMER_CLK_FREQ / 1000)
#define	TEN_MS			(10 * ONE_MS)
#define	GICD_BASE		0x1c81000
#define	GICC_BASE		0x1c82000

.globl	psci_fiq_enter
	push	{r0-r12}

	@ Switch to secure
	mrc	p15, 0, r7, c1, c1, 0
	bic	r8, r7, #1
	mcr	p15, 0, r8, c1, c1, 0

	@ Validate reason based on IAR and acknowledge
	movw	r8, #(GICC_BASE & 0xffff)
	movt	r8, #(GICC_BASE >> 16)
	ldr	r9, [r8, #GICC_IAR]
	movw	r10, #0x3ff
	movt	r10, #0
	cmp	r9, r10			@ skip spurious interrupt 1023
	beq	out
	movw	r10, #0x3fe		@ ...and 1022
	cmp	r9, r10
	beq	out
	str	r9, [r8, #GICC_EOIR]	@ acknowledge the interrupt

	@ Compute CPU number
	lsr	r9, r9, #10
	and	r9, r9, #0xf

	movw	r8, #(SUN7I_CPUCFG_BASE & 0xffff)
	movt	r8, #(SUN7I_CPUCFG_BASE >> 16)

	@ Wait for the core to enter WFI
	lsl	r11, r9, #6		@ x64
	add	r11, r11, r8

1:	ldr	r10, [r11, #0x48]
	tst	r10, #(1 << 2)
	bne	2f
	timer_wait r10, ONE_MS
	b	1b

	@ Reset CPU
2:	mov	r10, #0
	str	r10, [r11, #0x40]

	@ Lock CPU
	mov	r10, #1
	lsl	r9, r10, r9		@ r9 is now CPU mask
	ldr	r10, [r8, #0x1e4]
	bic	r10, r10, r9
	str	r10, [r8, #0x1e4]

	@ Set power gating
	ldr	r10, [r8, #0x1b4]
	orr	r10, r10, #1
	str	r10, [r8, #0x1b4]
	timer_wait r10, ONE_MS

	@ Activate power clamp
	mov	r10, #1
1:	str	r10, [r8, #0x1b0]
	lsl	r10, r10, #1
	orr	r10, r10, #1
	tst	r10, #0x100
	beq	1b

	@ Restore security level
out:	mcr	p15, 0, r7, c1, c1, 0

	pop	{r0-r12}
	subs    pc, lr, #4

	@ r1 = target CPU
	@ r2 = target PC
.globl	psci_cpu_on
	push	{lr}

	mov	r0, r1
	bl	psci_get_cpu_stack_top	@ get stack top of target CPU
	str	r2, [r0]		@ store target PC at stack top

	movw	r0, #(SUN7I_CPUCFG_BASE & 0xffff)
	movt	r0, #(SUN7I_CPUCFG_BASE >> 16)

	@ CPU mask
	and	r1, r1, #3	@ only care about first cluster
	mov	r4, #1
	lsl	r4, r4, r1

	ldr	r6, =psci_cpu_entry
	str	r6, [r0, #0x1a4] @ PRIVATE_REG (boot vector)

	@ Assert reset on target CPU
	mov	r6, #0
	lsl	r5, r1, #6	@ 64 bytes per CPU
	add	r5, r5, #0x40	@ Offset from base
	add	r5, r5, r0	@ CPU control block
	str	r6, [r5]	@ Reset CPU

	@ l1 invalidate
	ldr	r6, [r0, #0x184] @ CPUCFG_GEN_CTRL_REG
	bic	r6, r6, r4
	str	r6, [r0, #0x184]

	@ Lock CPU (Disable external debug access)
	ldr	r6, [r0, #0x1e4] @ CPUCFG_DBG_CTL1_REG
	bic	r6, r6, r4
	str	r6, [r0, #0x1e4]

	@ Release power clamp
	movw	r6, #0x1ff
	movt	r6, #0
1:	lsrs	r6, r6, #1
	str	r6, [r0, #0x1b0] @ CPU1_PWR_CLAMP
	bne	1b

	timer_wait r1, TEN_MS

	@ Clear power gating
	ldr	r6, [r0, #0x1b4] @ CPU1_PWROFF_REG
	bic	r6, r6, #1
	str	r6, [r0, #0x1b4]

	@ Deassert reset on target CPU
	mov	r6, #3
	str	r6, [r5]

	@ Unlock CPU (Enable external debug access)
	ldr	r6, [r0, #0x1e4] @ CPUCFG_DBG_CTL1_REG
	orr	r6, r6, r4
	str	r6, [r0, #0x1e4]

	pop	{pc}

.globl	psci_cpu_off
	bl	psci_cpu_off_common

	@ Ask CPU0 to pull the rug...
	movw	r0, #(GICD_BASE & 0xffff)
	movt	r0, #(GICD_BASE >> 16)
	movw	r1, #15				@ SGI15
	movt	r1, #1				@ Target is CPU0
	str	r1, [r0, #GICD_SGIR]

1:	wfi
	b	1b

.globl	psci_arch_init
	mov	r6, lr

	movw	r4, #(GICD_BASE & 0xffff)
	movt	r4, #(GICD_BASE >> 16)

	ldr	r5, [r4, #GICD_IGROUPRn]
	bic	r5, r5, #(1 << 15) 	@ SGI15 as Group-0
	str	r5, [r4, #GICD_IGROUPRn]

	mov	r5, #0			@ Set SGI15 priority to 0
	strb	r5, [r4, #(GICD_IPRIORITYRn + 15)]

	add	r4, r4, #0x1000		@ GICC address

	mov	r5, #0xff
	str	r5, [r4, #GICC_PMR]	@ Be cool with non-secure

	ldr	r5, [r4, #GICC_CTLR]
	orr	r5, r5, #(1 << 3)	@ Switch FIQEn on
	str	r5, [r4, #GICC_CTLR]

	mrc	p15, 0, r5, c1, c1, 0	@ Read SCR
	orr	r5, r5, #4		@ Enable FIQ in monitor mode
	bic	r5, r5, #1		@ Secure mode
	mcr	p15, 0, r5, c1, c1, 0	@ Write SCR

	bl	psci_get_cpu_id		@ CPU ID => r0
	bl	psci_get_cpu_stack_top	@ stack top => r0
	mov	sp, r0

	bx	r6

	.globl psci_text_end