/* * (C) Copyright 2010-2014 * NVIDIA Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #ifndef _TEGRA_CLK_RST_H_ #define _TEGRA_CLK_RST_H_ /* PLL registers - there are several PLLs in the clock controller */ struct clk_pll { uint pll_base; /* the control register */ uint pll_out[2]; /* output control */ uint pll_misc; /* other misc things */ }; /* PLL registers - there are several PLLs in the clock controller */ struct clk_pll_simple { uint pll_base; /* the control register */ uint pll_misc; /* other misc things */ }; /* RST_DEV_(L,H,U,V,W)_(SET,CLR) and CLK_ENB_(L,H,U,V,W)_(SET,CLR) */ struct clk_set_clr { uint set; uint clr; }; /* * Most PLLs use the clk_pll structure, but some have a simpler two-member * structure for which we use clk_pll_simple. The reason for this non- * othogonal setup is not stated. */ enum { TEGRA_CLK_PLLS = 6, /* Number of normal PLLs */ TEGRA_CLK_SIMPLE_PLLS = 3, /* Number of simple PLLs */ TEGRA_CLK_REGS = 3, /* Number of clock enable regs L/H/U */ TEGRA_CLK_SOURCES = 64, /* Number of ppl clock sources L/H/U */ TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW = 2, /* Number of clock enable regs V/W */ TEGRA_CLK_SOURCES_VW = 32, /* Number of ppl clock sources V/W*/ }; /* Clock/Reset Controller (CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_) regs */ struct clk_rst_ctlr { uint crc_rst_src; /* _RST_SOURCE_0,0x00 */ uint crc_rst_dev[TEGRA_CLK_REGS]; /* _RST_DEVICES_L/H/U_0 */ uint crc_clk_out_enb[TEGRA_CLK_REGS]; /* _CLK_OUT_ENB_L/H/U_0 */ uint crc_reserved0; /* reserved_0, 0x1C */ uint crc_cclk_brst_pol; /* _CCLK_BURST_POLICY_0,0x20 */ uint crc_super_cclk_div; /* _SUPER_CCLK_DIVIDER_0,0x24 */ uint crc_sclk_brst_pol; /* _SCLK_BURST_POLICY_0, 0x28 */ uint crc_super_sclk_div; /* _SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDER_0,0x2C */ uint crc_clk_sys_rate; /* _CLK_SYSTEM_RATE_0, 0x30 */ uint crc_prog_dly_clk; /* _PROG_DLY_CLK_0, 0x34 */ uint crc_aud_sync_clk_rate; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_RATE_0,0x38 */ uint crc_reserved1; /* reserved_1, 0x3C */ uint crc_cop_clk_skip_plcy; /* _COP_CLK_SKIP_POLICY_0,0x40 */ uint crc_clk_mask_arm; /* _CLK_MASK_ARM_0, 0x44 */ uint crc_misc_clk_enb; /* _MISC_CLK_ENB_0, 0x48 */ uint crc_clk_cpu_cmplx; /* _CLK_CPU_CMPLX_0, 0x4C */ uint crc_osc_ctrl; /* _OSC_CTRL_0, 0x50 */ uint crc_pll_lfsr; /* _PLL_LFSR_0, 0x54 */ uint crc_osc_freq_det; /* _OSC_FREQ_DET_0, 0x58 */ uint crc_osc_freq_det_stat; /* _OSC_FREQ_DET_STATUS_0,0x5C */ uint crc_reserved2[8]; /* reserved_2[8], 0x60-7C */ struct clk_pll crc_pll[TEGRA_CLK_PLLS]; /* PLLs from 0x80 to 0xdc */ /* PLLs from 0xe0 to 0xf4 */ struct clk_pll_simple crc_pll_simple[TEGRA_CLK_SIMPLE_PLLS]; uint crc_reserved10; /* _reserved_10, 0xF8 */ uint crc_reserved11; /* _reserved_11, 0xFC */ uint crc_clk_src[TEGRA_CLK_SOURCES]; /*_I2S1_0... 0x100-1fc */ uint crc_reserved20[64]; /* _reserved_20, 0x200-2fc */ /* _RST_DEV_L/H/U_SET_0 0x300 ~ 0x314 */ struct clk_set_clr crc_rst_dev_ex[TEGRA_CLK_REGS]; uint crc_reserved30[2]; /* _reserved_30, 0x318, 0x31c */ /* _CLK_ENB_L/H/U_CLR_0 0x320 ~ 0x334 */ struct clk_set_clr crc_clk_enb_ex[TEGRA_CLK_REGS]; uint crc_reserved31[2]; /* _reserved_31, 0x338, 0x33c */ uint crc_cpu_cmplx_set; /* _RST_CPU_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x340 */ uint crc_cpu_cmplx_clr; /* _RST_CPU_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x344 */ /* Additional (T30) registers */ uint crc_clk_cpu_cmplx_set; /* _CLK_CPU_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x348 */ uint crc_clk_cpu_cmplx_clr; /* _CLK_CPU_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x34c */ uint crc_reserved32[2]; /* _reserved_32, 0x350,0x354 */ uint crc_rst_dev_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW]; /* _RST_DEVICES_V/W_0 */ uint crc_clk_out_enb_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW]; /* _CLK_OUT_ENB_V/W_0 */ uint crc_cclkg_brst_pol; /* _CCLKG_BURST_POLICY_0, 0x368 */ uint crc_super_cclkg_div; /* _SUPER_CCLKG_DIVIDER_0, 0x36C */ uint crc_cclklp_brst_pol; /* _CCLKLP_BURST_POLICY_0, 0x370 */ uint crc_super_cclkp_div; /* _SUPER_CCLKLP_DIVIDER_0, 0x374 */ uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx; /* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_0, 0x378 */ uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx; /* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_0, 0x37C */ uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl; /* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTRL_0, 0x380 */ uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl1; /* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTR1L_0, 0x384 */ uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl2; /* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTRL2_0, 0x388 */ uint crc_reserved33[9]; /* _reserved_33, 0x38c-3ac */ uint crc_clk_src_vw[TEGRA_CLK_SOURCES_VW]; /* _G3D2_0..., 0x3b0-0x42c */ /* _RST_DEV_V/W_SET_0 0x430 ~ 0x43c */ struct clk_set_clr crc_rst_dev_ex_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW]; /* _CLK_ENB_V/W_CLR_0 0x440 ~ 0x44c */ struct clk_set_clr crc_clk_enb_ex_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW]; /* Additional (T114) registers */ uint crc_rst_cpug_cmplx_set; /* _RST_CPUG_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x450 */ uint crc_rst_cpug_cmplx_clr; /* _RST_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x454 */ uint crc_rst_cpulp_cmplx_set; /* _RST_CPULP_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x458 */ uint crc_rst_cpulp_cmplx_clr; /* _RST_CPULP_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x45C */ uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx_set; /* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x460 */ uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx_clr; /* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x464 */ uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx_set; /* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x468 */ uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx_clr; /* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x46C */ uint crc_cpu_cmplx_status; /* _CPU_CMPLX_STATUS_0, 0x470 */ uint crc_reserved40[1]; /* _reserved_40, 0x474 */ uint crc_intstatus; /* __INTSTATUS_0, 0x478 */ uint crc_intmask; /* __INTMASK_0, 0x47C */ uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg0; /* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG0_0, 0x480 */ uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg1; /* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG1_0, 0x484 */ uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg2; /* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG2_0, 0x488 */ uint crc_plle_aux; /* _PLLE_AUX_0, 0x48C */ uint crc_sata_pll_cfg0; /* _SATA_PLL_CFG0_0, 0x490 */ uint crc_sata_pll_cfg1; /* _SATA_PLL_CFG1_0, 0x494 */ uint crc_pcie_pll_cfg0; /* _PCIE_PLL_CFG0_0, 0x498 */ uint crc_prog_audio_dly_clk; /* _PROG_AUDIO_DLY_CLK_0, 0x49C */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s0; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S0_0, 0x4A0 */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s1; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S1_0, 0x4A4 */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s2; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S2_0, 0x4A8 */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s3; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S3_0, 0x4AC */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s4; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S4_0, 0x4B0 */ uint crc_audio_sync_clk_spdif; /* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_SPDIF_0, 0x4B4 */ }; /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_CPU_CMPLX_0 */ #define CPU3_CLK_STP_SHIFT 11 #define CPU2_CLK_STP_SHIFT 10 #define CPU1_CLK_STP_SHIFT 9 #define CPU0_CLK_STP_SHIFT 8 #define CPU0_CLK_STP_MASK (1U << CPU0_CLK_STP_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLx_BASE_0 */ #define PLL_BYPASS_SHIFT 31 #define PLL_BYPASS_MASK (1U << PLL_BYPASS_SHIFT) #define PLL_ENABLE_SHIFT 30 #define PLL_ENABLE_MASK (1U << PLL_ENABLE_SHIFT) #define PLL_BASE_OVRRIDE_MASK (1U << 28) #define PLL_LOCK_SHIFT 27 #define PLL_LOCK_MASK (1U << PLL_LOCK_SHIFT) #define PLL_DIVP_SHIFT 20 #define PLL_DIVP_MASK (7U << PLL_DIVP_SHIFT) #define PLL_DIVN_SHIFT 8 #define PLL_DIVN_MASK (0x3ffU << PLL_DIVN_SHIFT) #define PLL_DIVM_SHIFT 0 #define PLL_DIVM_MASK (0x1f << PLL_DIVM_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLx_OUTx_0 */ #define PLL_OUT_RSTN (1 << 0) #define PLL_OUT_CLKEN (1 << 1) #define PLL_OUT_OVRRIDE (1 << 2) #define PLL_OUT_RATIO_SHIFT 8 #define PLL_OUT_RATIO_MASK (0xffU << PLL_OUT_RATIO_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_PLLx_MISC_0 */ #define PLL_DCCON_SHIFT 20 #define PLL_DCCON_MASK (1U << PLL_DCCON_SHIFT) #define PLL_LOCK_ENABLE_SHIFT 18 #define PLL_LOCK_ENABLE_MASK (1U << PLL_LOCK_ENABLE_SHIFT) #define PLL_CPCON_SHIFT 8 #define PLL_CPCON_MASK (15U << PLL_CPCON_SHIFT) #define PLL_LFCON_SHIFT 4 #define PLL_LFCON_MASK (15U << PLL_LFCON_SHIFT) #define PLLU_VCO_FREQ_SHIFT 20 #define PLLU_VCO_FREQ_MASK (1U << PLLU_VCO_FREQ_SHIFT) #define PLLP_OUT1_OVR (1 << 2) #define PLLP_OUT2_OVR (1 << 18) #define PLLP_OUT3_OVR (1 << 2) #define PLLP_OUT4_OVR (1 << 18) #define PLLP_OUT1_RATIO 8 #define PLLP_OUT2_RATIO 24 #define PLLP_OUT3_RATIO 8 #define PLLP_OUT4_RATIO 24 enum { IN_408_OUT_204_DIVISOR = 2, IN_408_OUT_102_DIVISOR = 6, IN_408_OUT_48_DIVISOR = 15, IN_408_OUT_9_6_DIVISOR = 83, }; #define PLLP_OUT1_RSTN_DIS (1 << 0) #define PLLP_OUT1_RSTN_EN (0 << 0) #define PLLP_OUT1_CLKEN (1 << 1) #define PLLP_OUT2_RSTN_DIS (1 << 16) #define PLLP_OUT2_RSTN_EN (0 << 16) #define PLLP_OUT2_CLKEN (1 << 17) #define PLLP_OUT3_RSTN_DIS (1 << 0) #define PLLP_OUT3_RSTN_EN (0 << 0) #define PLLP_OUT3_CLKEN (1 << 1) #define PLLP_OUT4_RSTN_DIS (1 << 16) #define PLLP_OUT4_RSTN_EN (0 << 16) #define PLLP_OUT4_CLKEN (1 << 17) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_UTMIP_PLL_CFG1_0 */ #define PLLU_POWERDOWN (1 << 16) #define PLL_ENABLE_POWERDOWN (1 << 14) #define PLL_ACTIVE_POWERDOWN (1 << 12) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_UTMIP_PLL_CFG2_0 */ #define UTMIP_FORCE_PD_SAMP_C_POWERDOWN (1 << 4) #define UTMIP_FORCE_PD_SAMP_B_POWERDOWN (1 << 2) #define UTMIP_FORCE_PD_SAMP_A_POWERDOWN (1 << 0) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_OSC_CTRL_0 */ #define OSC_XOBP_SHIFT 1 #define OSC_XOBP_MASK (1U << OSC_XOBP_SHIFT) /* * CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SOURCE_x_OUT_0 - the mask here is normally 8 bits * but can be 16. We could use knowledge we have to restrict the mask in * the 8-bit cases (the divider_bits value returned by * get_periph_clock_source()) but it does not seem worth it since the code * already checks the ranges of values it is writing, in clk_get_divider(). */ #define OUT_CLK_DIVISOR_SHIFT 0 #define OUT_CLK_DIVISOR_MASK (0xffff << OUT_CLK_DIVISOR_SHIFT) #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_30_SHIFT 30 #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_30_MASK (3U << OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_30_SHIFT) #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_29_SHIFT 29 #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_29_MASK (7U << OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_29_SHIFT) /* Note: See comment for MASK_BITS_31_28 in arch-tegra/clock.h */ #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_28_SHIFT 28 #define OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_28_MASK (15U << OUT_CLK_SOURCE_31_28_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SCLK_BURST_POLICY */ #define SCLK_SYS_STATE_SHIFT 28U #define SCLK_SYS_STATE_MASK (15U << SCLK_SYS_STATE_SHIFT) enum { SCLK_SYS_STATE_STDBY, SCLK_SYS_STATE_IDLE, SCLK_SYS_STATE_RUN, SCLK_SYS_STATE_IRQ = 4U, SCLK_SYS_STATE_FIQ = 8U, }; #define SCLK_COP_FIQ_MASK (1 << 27) #define SCLK_CPU_FIQ_MASK (1 << 26) #define SCLK_COP_IRQ_MASK (1 << 25) #define SCLK_CPU_IRQ_MASK (1 << 24) #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_SHIFT 12 #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_MASK \ (7 << SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_SHIFT) #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_IRQ_SOURCE_SHIFT 8 #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_IRQ_SOURCE_MASK \ (7 << SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_SHIFT) #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_RUN_SOURCE_SHIFT 4 #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_RUN_SOURCE_MASK \ (7 << SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_SHIFT) #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_IDLE_SOURCE_SHIFT 0 #define SCLK_SWAKEUP_IDLE_SOURCE_MASK \ (7 << SCLK_SWAKEUP_FIQ_SOURCE_SHIFT) enum { SCLK_SOURCE_CLKM, SCLK_SOURCE_PLLC_OUT1, SCLK_SOURCE_PLLP_OUT4, SCLK_SOURCE_PLLP_OUT3, SCLK_SOURCE_PLLP_OUT2, SCLK_SOURCE_CLKD, SCLK_SOURCE_CLKS, SCLK_SOURCE_PLLM_OUT1, }; #define SCLK_SWAKE_FIQ_SRC_PLLM_OUT1 (7 << 12) #define SCLK_SWAKE_IRQ_SRC_PLLM_OUT1 (7 << 8) #define SCLK_SWAKE_RUN_SRC_PLLM_OUT1 (7 << 4) #define SCLK_SWAKE_IDLE_SRC_PLLM_OUT1 (7 << 0) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDER */ #define SUPER_SCLK_ENB_SHIFT 31U #define SUPER_SCLK_ENB_MASK (1U << 31) #define SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDEND_SHIFT 8 #define SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDEND_MASK (0xff << SUPER_SCLK_DIVIDEND_SHIFT) #define SUPER_SCLK_DIVISOR_SHIFT 0 #define SUPER_SCLK_DIVISOR_MASK (0xff << SUPER_SCLK_DIVISOR_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_CLK_SYSTEM_RATE */ #define CLK_SYS_RATE_HCLK_DISABLE_SHIFT 7 #define CLK_SYS_RATE_HCLK_DISABLE_MASK (1 << CLK_SYS_RATE_HCLK_DISABLE_SHIFT) #define CLK_SYS_RATE_AHB_RATE_SHIFT 4 #define CLK_SYS_RATE_AHB_RATE_MASK (3 << CLK_SYS_RATE_AHB_RATE_SHIFT) #define CLK_SYS_RATE_PCLK_DISABLE_SHIFT 3 #define CLK_SYS_RATE_PCLK_DISABLE_MASK (1 << CLK_SYS_RATE_PCLK_DISABLE_SHIFT) #define CLK_SYS_RATE_APB_RATE_SHIFT 0 #define CLK_SYS_RATE_APB_RATE_MASK (3 << CLK_SYS_RATE_AHB_RATE_SHIFT) /* CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_RST_CPUxx_CMPLX_CLR */ #define CLR_CPURESET0 (1 << 0) #define CLR_CPURESET1 (1 << 1) #define CLR_CPURESET2 (1 << 2) #define CLR_CPURESET3 (1 << 3) #define CLR_DBGRESET0 (1 << 12) #define CLR_DBGRESET1 (1 << 13) #define CLR_DBGRESET2 (1 << 14) #define CLR_DBGRESET3 (1 << 15) #define CLR_CORERESET0 (1 << 16) #define CLR_CORERESET1 (1 << 17) #define CLR_CORERESET2 (1 << 18) #define CLR_CORERESET3 (1 << 19) #define CLR_CXRESET0 (1 << 20) #define CLR_CXRESET1 (1 << 21) #define CLR_CXRESET2 (1 << 22) #define CLR_CXRESET3 (1 << 23) #define CLR_NONCPURESET (1 << 29) #endif /* _TEGRA_CLK_RST_H_ */