/* Core.h - Basic core logic functions and definitions */

/* Copyright Galileo Technology. */

This header file contains simple read/write macros for addressing
the SDRAM, devices, GT`s internal registers and PCI (using the PCI`s address
space). The macros take care of Big/Little endian conversions.

#ifndef __INCcoreh
#define __INCcoreh

#include "mv_gen_reg.h"

extern unsigned int INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR;

/*	    GENERAL Definitions			*/

#define NO_BIT		0x00000000
#define BIT0		0x00000001
#define BIT1		0x00000002
#define BIT2		0x00000004
#define BIT3		0x00000008
#define BIT4		0x00000010
#define BIT5		0x00000020
#define BIT6		0x00000040
#define BIT7		0x00000080
#define BIT8		0x00000100
#define BIT9		0x00000200
#define BIT10		0x00000400
#define BIT11		0x00000800
#define BIT12		0x00001000
#define BIT13		0x00002000
#define BIT14		0x00004000
#define BIT15		0x00008000
#define BIT16		0x00010000
#define BIT17		0x00020000
#define BIT18		0x00040000
#define BIT19		0x00080000
#define BIT20		0x00100000
#define BIT21		0x00200000
#define BIT22		0x00400000
#define BIT23		0x00800000
#define BIT24		0x01000000
#define BIT25		0x02000000
#define BIT26		0x04000000
#define BIT27		0x08000000
#define BIT28		0x10000000
#define BIT29		0x20000000
#define BIT30		0x40000000
#define BIT31		0x80000000

#define _1K		0x00000400
#define _2K		0x00000800
#define _4K		0x00001000
#define _8K		0x00002000
#define _16K		0x00004000
#define _32K		0x00008000
#define _64K		0x00010000
#define _128K		0x00020000
#define _256K		0x00040000
#define _512K		0x00080000

#define _1M		0x00100000
#define _2M		0x00200000
#define _3M		0x00300000
#define _4M		0x00400000
#define _5M		0x00500000
#define _6M		0x00600000
#define _7M		0x00700000
#define _8M		0x00800000
#define _9M		0x00900000
#define _10M		0x00a00000
#define _11M		0x00b00000
#define _12M		0x00c00000
#define _13M		0x00d00000
#define _14M		0x00e00000
#define _15M		0x00f00000
#define _16M		0x01000000

#define _32M		0x02000000
#define _64M		0x04000000
#define _128M		0x08000000
#define _256M		0x10000000
#define _512M		0x20000000

#define _1G		0x40000000
#define _2G		0x80000000

typedef enum _bool{false,true} bool;

/* Little to Big endian conversion macros */

#ifdef LE /* Little Endian */
#define SHORT_SWAP(X) (X)
#define WORD_SWAP(X) (X)
#define LONG_SWAP(X) ((l64)(X))

#else	 /* Big Endian */
#define SHORT_SWAP(X) ((X <<8 ) | (X >> 8))

#define WORD_SWAP(X) (((X)&0xff)<<24)+	    \
		    (((X)&0xff00)<<8)+	    \
		    (((X)&0xff0000)>>8)+    \

#define LONG_SWAP(X) ( (l64) (((X)&0xffULL)<<56)+		\
			    (((X)&0xff00ULL)<<40)+		\
			    (((X)&0xff0000ULL)<<24)+		\
			    (((X)&0xff000000ULL)<<8)+		\
			    (((X)&0xff00000000ULL)>>8)+		\
			    (((X)&0xff0000000000ULL)>>24)+	\
			    (((X)&0xff000000000000ULL)>>40)+	\


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

/* Those two definitions were defined to be compatible with MIPS */
#define NONE_CACHEABLE		0x00000000
#define CACHEABLE			0x00000000

/* 750 cache line */
#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32

/* Read/Write to/from GT`s internal registers */
#define GT_REG_READ(offset, pData)					    \
*pData = ( *((volatile unsigned int *)(NONE_CACHEABLE |			    \
		INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR | (offset))) ) ;						     \
*pData = WORD_SWAP(*pData)

#define GTREGREAD(offset)						    \
	 (WORD_SWAP( *((volatile unsigned int *)(NONE_CACHEABLE |	     \
		   INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR | (offset))) ))

#define GT_REG_WRITE(offset, data)					    \
*((unsigned int *)( INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR | (offset))) =		    \

/* Write 32/16/8 bit */
#define WRITE_CHAR(address, data)					    \
	*((unsigned char *)(address)) = data
#define WRITE_SHORT(address, data)					    \
	*((unsigned short *)(address)) = data
#define WRITE_WORD(address, data)					    \
	*((unsigned int *)(address)) = data

#define GT_WRITE_CHAR(address, data)	 WRITE_CHAR(address, data)

/* Write 32/16/8 bit NonCacheable */
#define GT_WRITE_CHAR(address, data)					       \
	(*((unsigned char *)NONE_CACHEABLE(address))) = data
#define GT_WRITE_SHORT(address, data)					       \
	(*((unsigned short *)NONE_CACHEABLE(address))) = data
#define GT_WRITE_WORD(address, data)					       \
	(*((unsigned int *)NONE_CACHEABLE(address))) = data
 /*#define GT_WRITE_CHAR(address, data)	  ((*((volatile unsigned char *)NONE_CACHEABLE((address)))) = ((unsigned char)(data)))1 */

 /*#define GT_WRITE_SHORT(address, data)   ((*((volatile unsigned short *)NONE_CACHEABLE((address)))) = ((unsigned short)(data)))1 */

 /*#define GT_WRITE_WORD(address, data)	 ((*((volatile unsigned int *)NONE_CACHEABLE((address)))) = ((unsigned int)(data)))1 */

/* Read 32/16/8 bits - returns data in variable. */
#define READ_CHAR(address, pData)					    \
	*pData = *((volatile unsigned char *)(address))

#define READ_SHORT(address, pData)					    \
	*pData = *((volatile unsigned short *)(address))

#define READ_WORD(address, pData)					    \
	*pData = *((volatile unsigned int *)(address))

/* Read 32/16/8 bit - returns data direct. */
#define READCHAR(address)						    \
	*((volatile unsigned char *)((address) | NONE_CACHEABLE))

#define READSHORT(address)						    \
	*((volatile unsigned short *)((address) | NONE_CACHEABLE))

#define READWORD(address)						    \
	*((volatile unsigned int *)((address) | NONE_CACHEABLE))

/* Those two Macros were defined to be compatible with MIPS */
#define VIRTUAL_TO_PHY(x)    (((unsigned int)x) & 0xffffffff)
#define PHY_TO_VIRTUAL(x)    (((unsigned int)x) | NONE_CACHEABLE)

/*  SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) -
   gets register offset and bits: a 32bit value. It set to logic '1' in the
   internal register the bits which given as an input example:
   SET_REG_BITS(0x840,BIT3 | BIT24 | BIT30) - set bits: 3,24 and 30 to logic
   '1' in register 0x840 while the other bits stays as is. */
#define SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) \
	regOffset) |= (unsigned int)WORD_SWAP(bits)

/*  RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) -
   gets register offset and bits: a 32bit value. It set to logic '0' in the
   internal register the bits which given as an input example:
   RESET_REG_BITS(0x840,BIT3 | BIT24 | BIT30) - set bits: 3,24 and 30 to logic
   '0' in register 0x840 while the other bits stays as is. */
#define RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) \
	| regOffset) &= ~( (unsigned int)WORD_SWAP(bits) )
/* gets register offset and bits: a 32bit value. It set to logic '1' in the
   internal register the bits which given as an input example:
   GT_SET_REG_BITS(0x840,BIT3 | BIT24 | BIT30) - set bits: 3,24 and 30 to logic
   '1' in register 0x840 while the other bits stays as is. */
 /*#define GT_SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits)	((*((volatile unsigned int*)(NONE_CACHEABLE(INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR) | (regOffset)))) |= ((unsigned int)WORD_SWAP(bits)))1 */
 /*#define GT_SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits)1 */
#define GT_SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) SET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits)
/* gets register offset and bits: a 32bit value. It set to logic '0' in the
   internal register the bits which given as an input example:
   GT_RESET_REG_BITS(0x840,BIT3 | BIT24 | BIT30) - set bits: 3,24 and 30 to
   logic '0' in register 0x840 while the other bits stays as is. */
 /*#define GT_RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits)	((*((volatile unsigned int*)(NONE_CACHEABLE(INTERNAL_REG_BASE_ADDR) |  (regOffset)))) &= ~((unsigned int)WORD_SWAP(bits)))1 */
#define GT_RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits) RESET_REG_BITS(regOffset,bits)

#define DEBUG_LED0_ON()	       WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0x8000,0)
#define DEBUG_LED1_ON()	       WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0xc000,0)
#define DEBUG_LED2_ON()	       WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0x10000,0)
#define DEBUG_LED0_OFF()      WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0x14000,0)
#define DEBUG_LED1_OFF()      WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0x18000,0)
#define DEBUG_LED2_OFF()      WRITE_CHAR(memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE1) | 0x1c000,0)

#endif /* __INCcoreh */