/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project

#if !defined(AVB_INSIDE_LIBAVB_H) && !defined(AVB_COMPILATION)
#error "Never include this file directly, include libavb.h instead."


#include "avb_descriptor.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* A descriptor containing a pointer to signed integrity data stored
 * on another partition. The descriptor contains the partition name in
 * question (without the A/B suffix), the public key used to sign the
 * integrity data, and rollback index location to use for rollback
 * protection.
 * Following this struct are |partition_name_len| bytes of the
 * partition name (UTF-8 encoded) and |public_key_len| bytes of the
 * public key.
 * The |reserved| field is for future expansion and must be set to NUL
 * bytes.
typedef struct AvbChainPartitionDescriptor {
  AvbDescriptor parent_descriptor;
  uint32_t rollback_index_location;
  uint32_t partition_name_len;
  uint32_t public_key_len;
  uint8_t reserved[64];
} AVB_ATTR_PACKED AvbChainPartitionDescriptor;

/* Copies |src| to |dest| and validates, byte-swapping fields in the
 * process if needed. Returns true if valid, false if invalid.
 * Data following the struct is not validated nor copied.
bool avb_chain_partition_descriptor_validate_and_byteswap(
    const AvbChainPartitionDescriptor* src,
    AvbChainPartitionDescriptor* dest) AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

#ifdef __cplusplus